URL: http://balcons.com/
Company, organization: GHB SAS
Registered Offices:
Grand Hôtel des Balcons
3 rue Casimir Delavigne
75006 Paris - FRANCE
Tel: +33 1 46 34 78 50
Siret : 44217064300021
Share capital: 15 000 EURO
EU VAT number: FR81442170643
RCS: Paris 2002B08401
Purpose of site: Promotion of the establishment
Director of publication, legal representative: M. Jean-François ANDRE
Editorial Manager: M. Jean-François ANDRE
Webmaster, design, editing, artistic direction: Cendyn France SAS
Photography: Christophe BIELSA & Nathalie JULIO (www.julioandco.com)
Web hosting: Cendyn France SAS
President Cendyn France SAS : Michael Bennett
The site presents:
● Informative content
● A collection of personal data online
French Data Protection Act: the site is the subject of a declaration to the Commission Nationale Informatique and Liberté (French Data Protection Authority). You have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete information that concerns you (art. 34 of the Loi Informatique et Libertés (French Data Protection Act)). To exercise this right, please contact: reservation@balcons.com
Ownership: The site and the information that it contains are protected by French intellectual property law and by international agreements. Except for use by immediate family members or private use, the site and any element of its content may not be reproduced, republished, retranscribed, modified or passed on without the prior authorization of the eligible party.
En caso de litigio entre el profesional y el consumidor, ambos se esforzarán por encontrar una solución amistosa.
Si no se llega a un acuerdo amistoso, el consumidor podrá recurrir gratuitamente al mediador de consumo al que pertenezca el profesional, es decir, la Asociación de Mediadores Europeos (AME CONSO), en el plazo de un año a partir de la fecha de la reclamación escrita enviada al profesional.
La remisión al Defensor del Consumidor debe hacerse :
- bien cumplimentando el formulario previsto a tal efecto en la página web de AME CONSO : www.mediationconso-ame.com;
- o por correo postal dirigido a AME CONSO, 197 Boulevard Saint-Germain - 75007 PARIS.